Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sketchbook Due 9/27

Draw a still life of at least three different objects. Set them up to make sure they overlap and pay special attention to their proportions. (How wide, tall, or round is one object compared to another, etc.)

Still life: A collection of inanimate objects (objects that don't move).

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment Due 4/29

Art 1

Free Content

You all did an excellent job with you free content from the week before spring break. Here is another opportunity to show me what kind of ideas you have floating in your mind. You may use color, value, line, etc. You may use any medium: pencil, colored pencil, crayon, paint, markers, etc.

Here are some very different examples:

Art 2

Free Content

2 page spread

Full color or value

Use your lists of favorite things we created in class to inspire your idea.

Here are some examples for your perusal.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment Due 4/15

Art 1 Free Content: Now is the time you get to decide what you're going to draw and what elements of art you're going to use (color, line, value, etc.). You get to decide the subject matter, so for those of you who are into Anime and cartoons, now is your chance to create your own or put a fun twist on an existing character. Here is a drawing I found done completely in line and more specifically, in words. Look close to see how the value of the chair, walls, & doors are defined.

Art 2

Free Content:

Concept: the idea behind the artwork. For this sketchbook assignment, you're going to create your own concept. Your use of elements of art and principles of design are up to you.

Your drawing must be a 2 page spread and either full color or value.

Here's an example with a neutral color palette but strong value differences that place emphasis on the sun in the middle. Because the sun is centered and the left side is mirror image of the right, it has symmetrical balance.

This one right here is a fun surrealistic piece. The cartoon man is in full value, whie the hand is in color. This creates contrast between what is supposed to look like drawing and what is supposed to look real within the drawing itself.
Have fun with this sketchbook assignment!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment Due 4/8

Art 1 Draw your house in 1 point or 2 point perspective. You must show two sides, at least one moving back to the vanishing point. Include details like porch, siding, shutters, etc. that distinguish your house from others. All your lines should go to the vanishing points. Here are some examples:

Art 2

Combine three images to create a new composition.

2 page spread

Full color OR value

You must have your images with your drawing. You may glue them into your sketchbook on another page.

Here are some examples:

Sketchbook Assignment Due 3/25

Art 1 Draw your bedroom or living room in 1 point perspective. Start with the back wall shape and establish your vanishing piont. Draw the front of your objects and take all corners to the vanishing point.

Art 2

Create a map with large icons showing what different areas have in store for the traveler.

This can be a treasure map if you choose, and the subject matter is completely up to you.

2 page spread

Full color OR value

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sketchbook Due 3/18

Art 1

Draw your favorite album cover. Match the values and lines to create a replica that fits the size of your sketchbook page. You may grid your image if you would like to, but it is not required.

Remember that working from color to value:

Yellow= light value Orange & Green = medium value

Blue & Red = dark value

Violet = darkest value

Art 2

Create a 2 page spread based on lyrics or poetry. These can be your own, but do not have to be yours. You may include the lyrics into your drawing, but they must be part of the background or your images. You do not have to include the lyrics if you would prefer not to.

Your drawing should show RHYTHM, the repetition of elements of design: line, color, value, texture, etc. Remember that rhythm is not a set order like patterns are.

Here are some examples:

Sketchbook Due 3/11

Art 1

Complete the practice grid drawing we started in class. Complete one square at a time to ensure correct proportions and values.

Art 2

Break an image into three values 1. Black 2. Gray 3. White Push in-between values one way or another. Glue your image you are drawing from on the opposite page.

Here are some examples:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment Due 3/4

Art 1

Draw 2 forms (3-D objects).

Add shading to make them look 3-D.
Consider your light source, and apply shadows on your objects and cast shadows accordingly.
Don't forget your ground line.
Use a full range of values, from 1 to 10.
Here is an example with three forms.
Art 2
Draw a dream you have had and create an environment for it with linear perspective.
Your choice of medium.
Make sure this is a full spread drawing.
None of your negative spaces should be empty.
Make it as real as possible.

Sketchbook Assignment Due 2/25

Art 1

Create a modified contour drawing of a still life.
You should use 5 objects that are related to each other.
Make sure you arrange your objects into an interesting composition before drawing.

Art 2
Create two drawings on your spread.
The first should be an object drawn from observation, including values.
The second object should be on the second page and will be altered in some way.
*You may blow your object up, make it melt, crush it, etc.
Here is an example of the second, altered image.

Sketchbook Assignment Due 2/18

Art 1

Create a drawing of three tools.
Arrange your objects together and draw them in relation to each other.
Add shadows to your objects by using hatching, cross hatching, and/or stippling.

This example is done with shading.

Art 2
Morph one image into another in six steps.
Your first and last step will be the objects themselves (make sure you are looking at them).
Each step should have the same amount of change.
These can be contour line drawings, but they must have good craftsmanship.
This example uses 12 steps to compete the metamorphasis.

This one is just for fun :0)

Sketchbook Assignment Due 2/11

Art 1
Create a modified contour drawing of two shoes placed together.
They should partly overlap.

Art 2

Create a self-portrait spread showing who you are.
Your in-class self-portrait should be on one page, and your Who Am I start with art should be on the opposite page. Create a drawing over your Who Am I page, and perhaps your self-portrait page, of something that is personal to you *FROM OBSERVATION*. Your two page spread should look cohesive (there should be an easy transition from one page to another).

This example still needs a drawing of something personal, from observation.

Sketchbook Assignment Due 2/4

Art 1

Create 5 modified contour drawings:

2 hands in different positions
2 hands holding an object
1 interesting object
Here is an example of two hands and one hand holding an object:

Art 2
Create an artistic calendar spread.
This should take up two pages in your sketchbook as it rests open.
You must include February through June.
You may go by month, week, or day.
Make sure your entire page is colored.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Visual Arts 2 Syllabus

Visual Arts – ART II
Instructor: Rachel Broadbent
Course Description
This course offers an in-depth study of the principles of design through repeated use of color, line, texture, value, and shape, while expanding technical abilities. Thinking skills and the relationship between art and culture is emphasized.
Course Goals:
To improve the drawing skills of all students
To expose students to different materials and techniques
To provide students with a general knowledge of Art History
Classroom Expectations
· Golden Rule: Treat everyone and everything, as YOU would like to be treated. This includes not touching anyone's artwork or personal belongings.
· Pay Attention: Do not talk when I am talking. You WILL miss something.
· Be Prepared: Always have your sketchbook, eraser, and pencils in class. You must be in the classroom by the tardy bell or you are late.
· Clean Up: YOU are responsible for cleaning your work area and helping maintain the shared areas. Repeated failure to clean your area will result in 30 minute detention with me doing art room maintenance. You will serve within 2 days.
· 100% Effort: Always work hard and do your best. I expect you to work the entire period on your artwork. I will let the class know when it is time to clean up. No sleeping or sitting and distracting your neighbors.
Materials for class: (see me after class if you have a problem getting these)
Sketchbook – minimum size 8.5 X 11
Pencils – 2 wooden #2
Permanent Markers (Black)
Color Pencils
Handheld Pencil Sharpener
Class Procedures:
Before the bell - Come into class and get out any required materials. Work on the “bell ringer”.
After the bell rings – Immediately get quiet and in your seat for Start with Art, discussion of the daily objective, and other announcements.
Studio time - This is time for you to independently work on your projects. You may talk quietly with your table, however, I expect that conversations will be limited to appropriate topics and you will all be working on your assignment. You may get out of your seat to get materials, but should not wander around the room for any other reason.
Clean up time – I will let you know when it is time to clean up. I will give you 5-10 minutes to do so, depending on what materials we have out. Do not clean up before this time. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up their own work area and leaving it cleaner than they found it. All supplies should be returned to their appropriate place and common areas are to be cleaned as well for the next class.
Graded Work:
65% - Projects
15% - Sketch Book
20% -Classwork
Final Grade:
40% - 1st Quarter
40% - 2nd Quarter
20% -Final (teacher made)
Assignment Policy:
All assignments will be completed, without exception. If a student does not have their assignment complete on time, they will be assigned to the FVHS Working Lunch program until the assignment is complete.
Late Policy:
For every day an assignment is late, 5 points will be deducted. (If an assignment is 4 days late, -20 points) Any assignment submitted after 5 days will have a maximum point value of 60.
Common sense guidelines for maintaining safety and cleanliness in the Art room:
Do not run or fool around in the classroom with scissors, compasses or other tools.
Do not throw anything at anytime.
Wipe up any liquid spills immediately, before we have a bigger mess or someone gets hurt!
If unsure about how to use a tool or a technique – ask!
Use newspaper to cover tables when working with messy supplies like pastels and paint.
Do not use the art room as a lunchroom- no food or drink, except bottled water.
Never apply art media to your skin unless it is designed for that purpose. I do not have any of these!!!
· Follow proper disposal methods for art products as directed by Mrs. Broadbent. Do not dispose materials down the drain unless so indicated (especially clay, slip, plaster, turpentine, etc.).
Donations Welcome!
Magazines (for collages)
Old hairdryers for drying paint
Wire coat hangers
Sand Paper
Plastic Cups
Trash Bags
Zip Lock Bags
Plastic Wrap
Plastic plates
Spray Paint
Any other materials that can be used in an art room
-Principles of Design
-+/- space
-Print Making
-Self Portrait
-Color Theory
-Art History
*** Sequence and time spent in each area is subject to change do to student progress and availability of materials.
It is my goal to make the Art Room a comfortable and friendly working environment for EVERYONE. I want my students to enjoy their experience in here. I appreciate everyone’s cooperation in helping to achieve this goal. Thank you!

Visual Arts I Syllabus

Visual Arts – ART I
Instructor: Rachel Broadbent
Course Description
This course introduces the elements and principles of design through an exploration of a broad range of media. Activities emphasize skills and techniques in drawing, painting, graphics, fibers, ceramics, art history, and 3-D design. Basic drawing is emphasized.
Course Goals:
To improve the drawing skills of all students
To expose students to different materials and techniques
To provide students with a general knowledge of Art History
Classroom Expectations
· Golden Rule: Treat everyone and everything, as YOU would like to be treated. This includes not touching anyone's artwork or personal belongings.
· Pay Attention: Do not talk when I am talking. You WILL miss something.
· Be Prepared: Always have your sketchbook, eraser, and pencils in class. You must be in the classroom by the tardy bell or you are late.
· Clean Up: YOU are responsible for cleaning your work area and helping maintain the shared areas. Repeated failure to clean your area will result in 30 minute detention with me doing art room maintenance. You will serve within 2 days.
· 100% Effort: Always work hard and do your best. I expect you to work the entire period on your artwork. I will let the class know when it is time to clean up. No sleeping or sitting and distracting your neighbors.
Materials for class: (see me after class if you have a problem getting these)
Sketchbook – minimum size 8.5 X 11
Pencils – 2 wooden #2
· Eraser
Permanent Markers (Black)
Color Pencils
Handheld Pencil Sharpener
Class Procedures:
Before the bell - Come into class and get out any required materials. Work on the “bell ringer”.
After the bell rings – Immediately get quiet and in your seat for Start with Art, discussion of the daily objective, and other announcements.
Studio time - This is time for you to independently work on your projects. You may talk quietly with your table, however, I expect that conversations will be limited to appropriate topics and you will all be working on your assignment. You may get out of your seat to get materials, but should not wander around the room for any other reason.
Clean up time – I will let you know when it is time to clean up. I will give you 5-10 minutes to do so, depending on what materials we have out. Do not clean up before this time. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up their own work area and leaving it cleaner than they found it. All supplies should be returned to their appropriate place and common areas are to be cleaned as well for the next class.
Graded Work:
65% - Projects
15% - Sketch Book
20% -Classwork
Final Grade:
40% - 1st Quarter
40% - 2nd Quarter
20% -Final (teacher made)
Assignment Policy:
All assignments will be completed, without exception. If a student does not have their assignment complete on time, they will be assigned to the FVHS Working Lunch program until the assignment is complete.
Late Policy:
For every day an assignment is late, 5 points will be deducted. (If an assignment is 4 days late, -20 points) Any assignment submitted after 5 days will have a maximum point value of 60.
Common sense guidelines for maintaining safety and cleanliness in the Art room:
Do not run or fool around in the classroom with scissors, compasses or other tools.
Do not throw anything at anytime.
Wipe up any liquid spills immediately, before we have a bigger mess or someone gets hurt!
If unsure about how to use a tool or a technique – ask!
Use newspaper to cover tables when working with messy supplies like pastels and paint.
Do not use the art room as a lunchroom- no food or drink, except bottled water.
Never apply art media to your skin unless it is designed for that purpose. I do not have any of these!!!
· Follow proper disposal methods for art products as directed by Mrs. Broadbent. Do not dispose materials down the drain unless so indicated (especially clay, slip, plaster, turpentine, etc.).
Donations Welcome!
Magazines (for collages)
Old hairdryers for drying paint
Wire coat hangers
Sand Paper
Plastic Cups
Trash Bags
Zip Lock Bags
Plastic Wrap
Plastic plates
Spray Paint
· Any other materials that can be used in an art room
-+/- space
-Still Life
-Self Portrait
-Color Theory
-Art History
*** Sequence and time spent in each area is subject to change do to student progress and availability of materials.
It is my goal to make the Art Room a comfortable and friendly working environment for EVERYONE. I want my students to enjoy their experience in here. I appreciate everyone’s cooperation in helping to achieve this goal. Thank you!